New Media World
In this report I will focus on New Media Marketing. Now
what is that? If you encompass all things that have
exploded on the Internet in the last few years, YouTube,
Social Networking sites like Facebook and MySpace this
certainly covers part of it. But there are many other
channels within that can be classed as New Media
Marketing and we’ll look at those too.
This report is just an overview of New Media Marketing and
does not offer in depth training, although we have other
reports that take a step by step approach at
Doing business online, whether you are a marketer, a small
business, a creative artist, in fact anyone that wants to get
the word out about their service, product or content can use
these strategies to build of ‘cloud’ of followers and fans, that
can quickly become your customers and prospects.
There are so many strategies it can become extremely
confusing when coming online as to what strategy to follow.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the information, strategies
and advice to succeeding online which floods in from every
direction. The key is to find a strategy that fits in with your
business and stick to it.
This is a big mistake that many people make – they start on
one thing and then get distracted by the latest easiest way
to make millions online and just start hopping from
opportunity to opportunity – which, unfortunately mostly
ends up a waste of time and money.
Stay focused and stick to the plan.Web 2.0
The term web 2.0 was coined by O’Reilly Media for the ever
changing Internet and effectively suggests an upgrade from
the original world wide web as we once knew. Who knows,
you may be lucky to be young enough not to have known
the original static web 1.0 of just text, links and pictures. Web 2.0 changes the entire focus of internet surfing where
you are actually contributing to the content of the web
through wikis, social media, video and audio and sharing as
well as teaching others with your knowledge.
Social Networking
Social networking is defined as the grouping of individuals
together into to specific groups, often like a small
community or a neighborhood. Although social
networking is possible in person, especially in schools or in
the workplace, it is most popular online. This is because
unlike most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the
Internet is filled with millions, if not more, of individuals
who are looking to meet other Internet users and develop
This gives you a great opportunity because you can get tap
into groups and offer valuable advice and content that will
get people interested in you and your business. All the
elements of new media are definitely not suited to the hard
sell. You have to get your personality across and let people
get to know you, then you will attracts followers, friends
that will turn into customers.
Don’t be overwhelmed by the sheer number out there.
Concentrate on one or two and see how you go. We did a
test with a niche market and used MySpace only. The
results were very good with hundreds of sign ups for our
product.Social Network Sites
There are absolutely loads in all sorts of niches. You can
find dog and cat owner social sites, wine drinkers, car
lovers, the list never ends. Of course this may be an idea if
you are passionate about a subject that may be the online
business for you. Here are just a few social media
Facebook – Most popular Social Networking site
MySpace – One of the original popular sites
Bebo – Social Networking
OpenBC – Community for entrepreneurs & professionals
The BlackStripe – upload and share photos
Vcarious – Travel Community
Friendster – Friends network
Ikarma – promote and document your reputation
LiveJournal – Create your own community – Create your own social network
Mozes – mobile information
StumbleUpon – Stumble Upon random sites and community
Facebook allows you to add friends and share information
around your online social media life. When you add friends,
contribute or join groups the information is added to your
feed for visitors to your profile to see. So if you start a
discussion in a group, for example, this shows up as Your
Name has commented in XYZ Group.
Your FaceBook strategy can be to start to add friends ten at
a time and invite them into your group for discussions
around the theme of your market. Keep to these numbers to
avoid being closed down. If you go over board you’ll attract
attention and risk your account been closed down.
Create the group using the key words that you are targeting
and as friends are added you can invite those friends to the
group. In the group start discussions and link to your
website.Facebook Apps
Stumble Upon
When you have these applications installed you
automatically update your facebook story feed so any new
Tweet (update in Twitter) or for example when you
stumbleupon a website or other update is automatically
shown on your FB story feed drawing people into your
MySpace now works in a similar way so the same strategy
can be applied.
Social Bookmarking
Social Bookmarking is a way for online users to share their
bookmarks publicly with each other and is a great way to
promote your site and gain valuable backlinks. Social
Bookmarking sites are highly ranked by the search engines
and they hang around these sites because they know new
bakery fresh content is regularly added. They also know
that sites that are socially bookmarked (as opposed to
privately) is most likely to contain valuable content and be
highly thought of, so they will rank this content accordingly.
If a large number of people bookmark your website or blog
the SE’s will take notice.
Bookmarking your sites can be done using
and These services make the process
more automated so that sites can be bookmarked on several
social bookmark sites in double quick time.
The other part of the process is using multiple accounts.
This can be a major job but you should look to get this kind
of work outsourced so you can concentrate on other aspects
of your business.A Small Taster of BookMarking Sites
Social News Sites
A similar voting process takes place with users voting on
their favorite news stories from blogs. When you submit a
story to these sites it doesn’t have to be your own story, many members of these communties search for news stories
and submit them to be voted on. Again this is another way
to raise exposure to your site.
When you use you’ll notice a mixture of
news and bookmark sites
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